Saturday, June 19, 2010


Sorry I haven't updated lately. Brianna is doing very well. She has decided that paper is not tastey but better than nothing, when rawhides aren't available. I am relearning to keep stuff like that put awaty. :-) She made another trip the 100 Oaks Meet and Greet. She did really well and made a few new friends. She also visited The Werner boys again today. I was informed she did really well and was quite the lady.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Brianna seems to be happy being back here. She had a big day at the meet and greet. She got a fair amount of attention. She is now starting to get interested in stuffies. The bucket that I keep them in was turned over and stuffies were everywhere. She still love to go out and run and enjoy the sun. She is starting to get more confident when in a different enviorment. She has been a Todd W's place a few times and is takin less time to come looking for ear scratches.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

She's Baaaaack

Well Miss Brianna is back with me. things didn't work out at her FWI home. She was excited to be back. She tried to get out of the car thru my door. LOL I will update again soon.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another week gone

Well we checked off another week. Brianna has discovered chewing. She got a dvd case an empty pill case and an old tooth brush. Reminding me to be careful about such things. She is doing well and doesn't have rain or storm phobias. We have come thru all the rain and she still loves to go out. She wasn't real sure about the toweling off at first. Now it's just more attention. She is still a lovely girl and loving the whole retirement thing.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

First full week

Well Brianna has been here over a week. She is one of the best behaved fosters I have had. She stays in her crate by her own choice. She hasn't had a single accident. She isn't going to be much of a stuffie hound. She likes to save her energy for going out and running. She has adapted to my schedule really quick and sleeps through the night. A super sweet girl.